SECOND CHANCES Is your life baggage checked, or carry-on?

Choices…that’s where it’s at! Each choice has consequences that don’t always match our expectations. More often or not, our early-on first choices are made on a perception of the moment…without legacy or latency; and, often before maturity sets in…often reflecting the impulsiveness and impetuousness of youth. And, in the context of culture, choices are often taken as commitments that are intended promises to fulfill. And, they say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And so goes the several miles of bad road along our life path.

So, with choices once made, do the rest of our lives depend soley on navigating the sea of unintended consequences; or, is rescue an option? Then, can we choose again? In the world of science, the scientific method is based on an intelligent type of trial and error, where choices are successive and adaptable. But our cultures are only rarely reflective of the scientific method.

Maybe if we were free and had no baggage, second chances would be a ‘no-brainer.’ But, even with the wisdom gained from a failed relationship, our second chance choices consider more than correcting the original choice. As the baggage invariably includes children, the interests of the children usually govern our new choice(s).

Finally, we probably know enough about ourselves to see at least an idealized path toward personal happiness….even with baggage. At this point, we owe it to ourselves to seek personal happiness as a demanded consequence of our second chance choice. Oh, yes, we should demand the second chance!

Go for it!