Take a Close Look At Your Partner…What Shapes your life?

f you want to know what your relationship partner is like or will become, take a look at his/her parents…as these apples seldom fall far from the tree. You may want to buy your own apples at the store instead

Too often, in the blindness of love, we overlook some things in our partner, thinking that we can affect change. We also make a choice; namely, either a leap of faith based on love; or, a practical choice based on tradition, or family, on vocation, or some perceived opportunity. Com’on, love almost never makes sense; and, often it is said “You can’t help who you love.” Others will say that “you either follow your heart; or, you follow your mind.” In either case, when you are young, it is a roll of the dice, even if you don’t think so.. Do you have a right to change it later?  You may want to overlook some small things…like picking the fly shit out of the pepper. Rather, view these things in parents:

Is their marriage a partnership; or, is one parent dominant and is one parent entrapped?

Have they been personally interactive with their children; or has the nurturing ‘at arms length,’ or relegated to others

Has divorce been validated as a viable choice; or, is their view hard core…Mama says “You made your bed, now lie in it”

Are there religious issues?

Are there substance abuse issues?

Any way, be prepared to ‘run like hell’