COMMUNICATE WITH NEWS WE CAN USE, tutorials and theory just don’t cut it

These days, everyone is seeking help of one kind or another; and, heaven only knows we all need it! We’re an age of talk and do nothing compared while needing proactive conversation…and action. Of course, our national congress is the prime example of this.  We’re really looking for solutions to our problems. We’re looking for relationships we can trust.  We’re looking for relevance and validation regardless of our age; these things usually associated just with youth.

Example, Why does Joel Osteen have such a voice, filling area’s with many thousands of people, while many individual churches in America are hurting for members. The answer is simple, Osteen gives us news we can use flavored with inspiration and empowerment. Why can’t the same principles be applied to secular issues…and, as a stretch, political issues via transparency. It sure proves that should’a-could’a would’a tutorials that don’t offer solutions just don’t cut it.

So, we should be listening and talking